
VAT Forum conference extends registration deadline

Brussels The 20th International School on Indirect Taxation has extended its registration deadline until the 22nd of September.

The conference will be held in Brussels, Belgium from 30 September to 4 October 2019 and is organised by the VAT Forum, an international partnership of indirect tax specialists.

It will be addressed by an array of renowned European VAT experts, including Chelco VAT Ltd Managing Director, Alexis Tsielepis, who will deliver a full-day seminar on the reasoning of the EU VAT Directive as well as a series of workshops.

Other seminar topics include VAT considerations in Distributed Ledger Technology, the new VAT rules for taxation of trade between Member states 2020 and an in-depth analysis of selected ECJ cases. Workshops will deal with such issues as electronic invoicing, drop shipments, supply with installation, proof of B2B supply of services, holding companies and VAT, invoices showing undue VAT, transfer pricing, logistics services, recharging expenses, the new VAT rules on vouchers and much more.

The School is designed for people who already have experience in international VAT and have sufficient knowledge of their national VAT system.

Its aim is to provide a forum for people who are responsible for international VAT within a company or group of companies.

At the event, participants can meet and talk to VAT experts from different European countries and other people responsible for VAT in major companies.

For more information and to take advantage of the registration extension, you may download the event’s brochure here.